A reduction of 13% workers expected…
On Tuesday, a possibile sad news came from the President of one of the Airline Giants. Ben Minicucci (President, Alaska Air Group) has told that unfortunately the company may shorten the number of AlaskasWorld workers by at least 3000. This is 13% of the actual workforce. And this is purely because of the current pendamic situation. Due to COVID-19, it is envisaged that, the number of air travellers will be reduced to approximately 30% to 35%, which itself is a huge figure.
However, such a huge manpower reduction details are not getting publically revealed. It can be any number of pilots, in-flight crew, ground staff, fleet maintenance staff etc. According to the company, such detailed information will be communicated to concerns by the end of July 30.
It is also assumed that, the air travellers number will be normal by the summer 2021. If that is the case, reduced workers can be hired again depending on their availability.